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Navigating the Work Permit Process in the UK for EU Citizens - Delhi


Post #: A44689700
Posted on: 12 June
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The UK's immigration system underwent significant changes when the Brexit transition period ended on December 31, 2020. One of the most important effects of the numerous modifications was on how European Union (EU) residents applied for work permits. This post tries to walk EU individuals through the new work permit criteria and processes in the UK with the assistance of Bajaj's Immigration Experts uk Pvt. Ltd.

Understanding the New System:
As of January 1, 2021, EU citizens are no longer able to live and work in the UK freely. They are now subject to the same immigration rules as non-EU citizens. To work in the UK, EU citizens must obtain a valid work permit or visa.

Skilled Worker Visa:
The Skilled Worker Visa is the primary route for EU citizens seeking employment in the UK. To be eligible, applicants must score a minimum number of points based on specific criteria. Key factors include having a job offer from an approved sponsor, meeting the skill and salary thresholds, and demonstrating English language proficiency.

Job Offer from an Approved Sponsor:
To apply for a Skilled Worker Visa, EU citizens must have a job offer from a UK employer who holds a valid sponsor license. The employer must provide a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) as part of the application process.

Skill and Salary Thresholds:
Applicants must demonstrate that their job role meets the skill and salary requirements. The occupation must be classified as a skilled job at or above Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) Level 3, and the salary must meet the minimum threshold, which is currently set at £25,600 per year (subject to some exceptions).

English Language Proficiency:
EU citizens must prove their English language proficiency by passing an approved English language test or by holding a recognized qualification.

Application Process:
To apply for a Skilled Worker Visa, EU citizens must complete an online application form, pay the necessary fees, and provide supporting documents, including a valid passport, a CoS from the employer, evidence of meeting the skill and salary requirements, and proof of English language proficiency. and Consult With Bajaj's Immigration Experts UK Pvt. Ltd.

Important Considerations:

Priority Occupations: Certain occupations deemed to be in high demand in the UK are listed on the Shortage Occupation List. Meeting the criteria for these occupations can provide additional benefits in terms of reduced salary thresholds and easier visa requirements.

Graduate Route: EU citizens who have completed a degree in the UK may be eligible for the Graduate Route, which allows them to stay and work in the UK for up to two years without requiring a job offer. This can provide valuable work experience and enhance employability.

Family Members: EU citizens applying for a work permit can also include their dependent family members in the application. Spouses, partners, and children may be eligible to join the applicant in the UK.


The new work permit system in the UK has brought about changes and challenges for EU citizens. Understanding the requirements, criteria, and procedures is crucial for those seeking employment in the UK. By familiarizing themselves with the Skilled Worker Visa and the associated application process, EU citizens can navigate the work permit system effectively and pursue their career goals in the United Kingdom. It is recommended to seek professional advice and stay updated with the Bajaj's  immigration Experts UK Pvt. Ltd. regulations to ensure a smooth transition into the UK job market.


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