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How is Indian Youth Influencing Electoral Outcomes? - Chandigarh


Anuncio #: A44787441
Enviado el: Lunes, 07 Agosto, 2023
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Indian youth are exerting a significant influence on electoral outcomes through their active engagement and voting patterns. As a formidable demographic force, Votesmart demands for inclusive governance, representation, and policy reforms are compelling political parties to address youth-centric issues. Issue-based voting and digital activism have become integral to their participation, helping sway electoral dynamics. Moreover, the rise of young leaders in politics resonates with their aspirations, garnering substantial support from fellow youth. By making their voices heard, Indian youth are playing a pivotal role in shaping electoral outcomes and influencing the direction of the nation's governance.


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How is Indian Youth Influencing Electoral Outcomes? - Chandigarh Other

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