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Lahore Birds

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12 March
Desi Roosters and Small Chicks Desi Roosters and small chicks home breed are for sale at cheap price. I have many Rooters age is 6 to 10 months. Only serious buyers contact me.  For Sale -
Golden Buff, Hens , Silky , Bentum, Polish & Desi Hens Golden Buff, Hens , Silky , Bentum, Polish & Desi Hens  For Sale -
Lakka pigeons Breeder Pairs Slamm to All Hummary paas Lakky Pigeons , our Fancy pigeons available hain. Healthy & Active. Pictures are attached. Prices are different according to category. Mr. Rafaqat Ali ...  For Sale -
Rafaqat Pets Golden Buff Hens and Others Assalam-o-Alaikum, Harvey Golden Buff Hens and Chicks are available . Healthy & Active  For Sale 250.00
Pure Aseel Hen and Rooster Available at Cheap Pure Aseel Hen and Rooster Available at Cheap  For Sale -
Rampuri aseels chiks of this pair rampuri aseels chiks of this pair  For Sale -
Pure veitanam thai aseel chicks pure veitanam thai aseel chicks of this pair i hav alots of thai  For Sale 1500.00
Golden Buff Hens, Bentum Hens, & Desi Hens aur in K Choozy Golden Buff Hens, Bentum Hens, & Desi Hens aur in K Choozy  For Sale -
Golden Buff k Choozy available for Sales. Slaam To all Viewrs Hmaary paas Golden Buff k eggs aur Chozzy sales k liye available hain.. is k ilawa Bentum Hens k Choozy aur desi choozy b hain. Healty & Active . Pictures are attach...  For Sale -
Silky Hens & Golden Buff Hens Slaam Golden Buff Hens in k choozy aur Silky Bentum Hens aur in k Choozy sales k liye available hain. Note: Tmaam Choozy aur Murgian Gharr k paaly howay hain, Contact. Rafaqat Ali ...  For Sale 250.00
Buff golden heavy pairrr chicks Golden Buff hens heavy pairs k choozy available hain. Healthy and active. Pictures are attached. Contact MR.Rafaqat Ali for further details.  For Sale -
Pure White Sherazi pair Going At low Cost Pure White Sherazi pair Going At low Cost  For Sale -
Khumray white 2 pairs brown 3 pairs ghar ki breed hay or breedar pairs Khumray white 2 pairs brown 3 pairs ghar ki breed hay or breedar pairs  For Sale -
Adult Pair of Turkey's Adult pair of turkey for sale...  For Sale 10000.00
Aseel **** choras nali Choras nali.. white legs per black nishan... 8 lraiyo ma sy ak b ni hara  For Sale -
Breeder pairs.. Breeder pairs for sale Red tail fain tail German butty breeder pair Yellow Denish breeder pair For sale Healthy and active  For Sale -
Flying chikes and breedr pejion golden and teddy pejion for sale  For Sale 1000.00
Indian kits birds indian kits birds in Lahore indian laal band indian ghagry unabi kally kabry chicks available  For Sale -
Satinette common male sati common breeder male.for sale at good price.two thousand final  For Sale -
Bard Heavy breeder pair breeder and confirm fertile pair. healthy and active. hen laying eggs.  For Sale -

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