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Enroll Your Child in Preschool Pasadena CA - Princeton Montessori Academy - Other

(Pasadena, CA)

Post #: A44731988
Ajoutée le: Vendredi, 07 Juillet, 2023
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Welcome to Princeton Montessori Academy, where endless opportunities for growth and discovery await your child in Pasadena, CA. Our esteemed preschool provides an immersive and enriching educational experience designed to unlock your child's true potential. With a dedicated focus on Montessori principles, our experienced educators inspire independent thinking, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning. Nestled in a picturesque setting, our state-of-the-art campus offers a safe and stimulating environment for exploration and growth. From hands-on activities to personalized guidance, our tailored approach nurtures each child's unique talents and abilities. Don't miss your chance to provide your child with the best start in life. Enroll them at Princeton Montessori Academy and witness their journey to success!

Website - https://www.princetonmontessoriacademy.com/preschool-pasadena
Call - (626) 794-2244
Email - princetonmontessoriacademy@gmail.com
Address - 922 E. Mendocino Street, Altadena CA 91001
tags - #PreschoolPasadenaCA #preschool #Kindergarten #toddler #infant #Montessorischool

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